Along the Way
Journey with Chamba Lane

10 x 7 • 404 Pages • Illustrated • Paperback


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Audio Interview with Carl Mautz by Eric Tomb re Chamba Lane

Video Slideshow and Interview, but a long wait for download



Reviews of
Along the Way

Testimonials from Readers

Many knew Chamba as that rabble rousing radio guy. I knew him as a loving confidant and good friend. Reading through these pages, I discovered so much about the man behind the rabble. A consummate traveler and a dedicated student of life. Spanning multiple decades, this book is filled with stories that capture a soul endlessly searching for a deeper understanding of life. From the hash haze of Afghanistan to a Kuwait marketplace, a Nepalese Lama, a Chinese bonesetter, lessons in how to speak without words, to speak like a Barbarian, and sage advice on how to survive. His is a diverse journey you’ll find hard to put down and a wonderful read that you can open to any chapter and simply enjoy. Mikail Graham, Broadcaster


In the last conversation I had with Chamba before his death I asked if he had anything left to complete. He said nothing was unfinished except the publishing of his life's writings. He felt secure that was now arranged and was ready to continue his journey to the next realm. Little did I know that months later I would find myself at Chamba's Costa Rican retreat, affectionately named "Casa de Chamba,” reading an advance proof of his book, Along the Way. Every night I would allow Chamba's words to entertain, enlighten and teach. I journeyed with him from the corner of Haight and Ashbury to the mountains of Nepal. Each step in between brought insight into how to make my own journey more conscious and rewarding. So now I invite you to put on your "thinking cap" and your "dancing shoes," and join Chamba along the way. Dick Cooper, Retired School Teacher


lide show A Flipbook Look at the Life of Chamba Lane
DVD/CD containing avi and quicktime files

Contact me via email or phone regarding this slideshow




Reflections, Memories and Expressions of Love

"There always has been and always will be LOVE!"
Sunshine Beck
"Chamba and I have had lives which intertwined like snakes." [more]
Haines Ely, M. D., KVMR Broadcaster of the show "Earth Mysteries"
"I met Chamba in the late 1980’s . . . " [more]
Daniel Giamario, Founder of Shamanic Astrology

Cheri Snook - Chamba's friend and caregiver, Cheri Snook, at his farewell party, four days before his passing.
Dawn Fischer and Chamba Lane at Chamba's home on Round Mountain, Nevada County, 2006

Click on the caringbidge link to read what many folks wrote to and about Chamba during his final, brief illness. There are some priceless comments from his early days on the road about which he wrote in his book.